Ever Private Card
Ripoff took 54.95 without permission None


Say they advertise legally thru websites however setting up affiliations where people have to say yes to get what they are looking for isn't exactly legal. To all beware of the pay loan that's where these crooks have tied themselves in.

Company: Ever Private Card
Country: USA
State: California
Site: www.everprivatecard.com
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Ever Private Card
Ever Private stole my money ripoff

Ever Private Card
They took 49.95 out of my bank with no permission ripoff

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

21st Mortgage
I was told to sign, giving the other party the permission to set his trailer on my property. WE both owned. Surprizing now the property is tied in with the loan

Ever Private Card
Ripoff Stole money out of my account without my permission

Broker Promoter - Willaim C. Detemple
Broker Promoter - ripoff sells illegal fax broadcast systems to mortgage brokers to advertise their services system costs $8,000.00 and never worked

Ever Private Card Services
Ripoff Be Careful!

Ever Private Card Service
Fraudulent charges by ever private card services ripoff

Loan Loss Police
Challenged there false advertising, when challenged starting calling me names, etc

Ever Private Card
Took money from my account without authorization ripoff