Loan Loss Police
Challenged there false advertising, when challenged starting calling me names, etc

Business & Finance

They advertise: "A Forensic Mortgage Loan Audit is performed by our attorney and a team of legal experts." When asked who their law firm and legal experts were they became abusive and failed to give that information as requested. Another foreclosure scam artist—beware!

Company: Loan Loss Police
Country: USA
State: California
City: Ojai
Address: 409 Bryant Circle, Suite B
Phone: 8057541859
  <     >  


A Forensic Loan Audit Will Find Out if You Are A Victim of a Predatory Loan

Consumer Education Network
First Family Justice Center BEWARE of FORENSIC LOAN AUDITS

Freedom legal plans
Frontier legal plans to acquire freedom legal plans just takes your money

Modify Loan Experts, Reviva Group
Modify Loan Experts, Pasquale Longordo Modify Loan Experts, Rip Off Experts

Modify Loan Experts LLC
Pasquale Longordo Quickest way to lose your home, work with Modify Loan Experts

Pinnacle Financial Group
Forensic Loan Auditors Company called offering to help with mortgage loan mod thru "forensic audit" - when I said I couldn'y pay they hung up

Use A Securitization Audit to Stop the Wrongful Foreclosure of Your Home
Use A Securitization Audit to Stop the Wrongful Foreclosure of Your Home

Use A Securitization Audit to Stop the Wrongful Foreclosure of Your Home
Use A Securitization Audit to Stop the Wrongful Foreclosure of Your Home

Modify Loan Experts, Reviva Group
Pasquale Longordo Fraudulent Company. Hit and run, they took my money and ran. Pasquale Longordo

Freedom Legal Plans LLC
Reaching U Network Theft of MONEY Internet