Ever Private Card
Ripoff Stole money out of my account without my permission


Ever Private Card took $54.94 out of my account on 6/22 withut my permission and I am very angry I have tried to contact they about my money being returned to me and all I get is a voice service and I can't take it anymore. I went through the refund process and still haven't recieved any notice that they got my request or anything. I am a single mother and I need my money for me and my son and I work to hard for people to just steal from me life is hard enough so if there is anyone out there who can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

A company named Start Loan Webchex also debited my account for 124.90 on 06/29 withotu my permissionand I am going through the same thing with them I can never talk to a real person it's always a machine.

Oxford, Mississippi

Company: Ever Private Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Phone: 8663795984
Site: contacteverprivate.com
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Ever Private Card
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Ever Private Card
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Ever Private Card
Took money from my account without authorization ripoff

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