Marshall Reddick Real Estate Network
Ripoff Buyer Beware Marshall Reddick does not stand behind what he recommends


Marshall Reddick Real Estate Network states that they have, and I quote, "the best builders, the best mortgage brokers, the best property managers". We went to a Marshall Reddick seminar in southern California back in November and they recommended an investment property in Port Charlotte Florida. We decided to go ahead since the market there was doing well. It has been 18 months later and the house is still not built, in fact the house is only a shell of a house. That's not the worst part, the worst part is the builder that Marshall Reddick set us up with, us and over 100 other investors. The builder is, Atlantic Contractors & Development Corp., they have swindled us out of over $32,000!!! They keep asking for more money but refuse to give us an accounting of what they've already done with our money of more than $60,000!! They have not paid the subcontractors for work that has been completed for more than 300 days! This is actually considered a felony in the State of Florida! We have had lawyers coming after us slapping us with lawsuits because Atlantic Contractors (our general contractor) has NOT been paying the subcontractors! This has been a total nightmare experience!

We have contacted Marshall Reddick and he does not have "any ideas" of his own to rectify this awful situation that we and 100 other investors are going through with this criminal builder that Marshall Reddick recommended! The only thing Marshall Reddick has done is found a lawyer in Florida to put together a class-action suit against Atlantic Contractors, however Marshall Reddick is Not paying for the lawyer or all the costs involved in the lawsuit. Who's to say it's guaranteed we are to win... Most likely Atlantic Contractors will declare bankruptcy and all of us 100 and more investors will be out hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Meanwhile, Marshall Reddick has already received his 3% commission on each and every sale of the properties he's sold us by recommending a criminal builder like Atlantic Contractors & Development Corp.

BUYER BEWARE! Do NOT buy from Marshall Reddick, he's just as much a crook as the builder he recommended because he just sits back and watches us all drown! Shame on you Mr. Marshall Reddick!

Company: Marshall Reddick Real Estate Network
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 17100 Gillette Ave
Phone: 9498858171
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