World Wide Readers Service
Ripoff, multiple fraudulent charges, misrepresentation


When this company got me on the phone I thought that they were the magazine distributor that I am engaged in legitimate business with. I was told that they simply needed to confirm my information because thier records showed that I had been prematurely dropped by the publishers of some of my subscriptions. I was also told that it would be the last time they would be contacting me by phone - that all subsequent contact with me would be by mail only.

The young man I spoke with led me to believe it was going to be a short conversation. It was - with him. I was then transferred to his "supervisor" who proceeded with a lengthy list of questions about me - my name, address, occupation, place of employment, and my birthday (!!!) - and my financial information. She needed to hear all of this twice. I was annoyed by the length of what I was told would be a short conversation but I cooperated because I had also been led to believe that I would never have to this with them again on the phone and I was concerned about the status of my account.

A few days later they called again saying that due to a computer malfunction my information needed to be confirmed again. Okay - I played along thinking this would resolve a "problem" with my account. While I was talking with them I checked my credit card statement online. I discovered the first $49.98 charge to my card. I was alarmed by this because I had set up my payments to be sent by mail and it was supposed to be $20ish. The "supervisor" reached the "Do you have any questions?" stage of her "interrogation". I inquired about my discovery. She said that the information I was requesting was not available to her and having confirmed all my info twice, again, she started over FROM THE BEGINNING until I started asking questions again (this seemed to irritate her).

Now I was irritated and answered the endless questions just to make her go away (I thought).

A few days later, they call again. I checked my credit acount while on the phone with them again hoping I could get some anwers to MY questions. Every attempt to get information from them was ignored and seemed to be thier que to hit restart. It was during this conversation that I discovered my card had been charged $49.98 again but this time the phone nuimber for the company submitting hte charge was different. I told the person on the phone that I wasn't confirming anything until I figured out what was going on.

I called the number listed on the second charge and the woman I spoke with said that her company had not submitted the charge. She said that the company who had made the submission was giving the credit card company the wrong phone number. She said that i had been charged by World Wide Readers Service and gave me thier number.

I called the number she gave me and was told that they had my account was currently paid in full and that they had only "looked" at my account, not charged it. I told her that I had my current account info right in front of me on my computer and that was I was looking at was a charge not a "viewing". (My account does not provide that information online) She stuck to her guns trying to convince me that I was wrong and she was right despite proof to the contrary right in front of me.

I filed a dispute through the credit card compny on the second charge.

I then received a letter about new account with WWRS. Furious that I had been duped into a new account for the same mags I was already getting from a different company - that I had a new account at all - I called the number provided on the letter and cancelled the account. I was told that my money would be refunded within 7 days. The first charge was refunded a few days later. I had to wait until they tried to collect on the second charge I had disputed which took about six days.

Two days later my card was charged again and I couldn't get anyone by phone - just voicemail. I filed another dispute. That was two days ago and my money is still in limbo and I still can't get them on the phone when I call them. Mind you, they are calling me what seems to be daily while I am at work and unable to take the call.

In summary, World Wide Readers Service has charged my card $150.00 in the past two weeks for something that is only supposed to $49.98 a month, is something I never wanted to begin with, and an account that is supposed to be cancelled.


Company: World Wide Readers Service
Country: USA
State: Colorado
Address: 6655 W JEWEL AVE SUITE 101
Phone: 8665702900
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