Corectional Billing Services
They rip me off for my calls that i don't even receive and they take money out of my account. Alabama


Corectional billing service is big time ripping customers off because every time i put money on my acount it is gone in 3 days and then they block my phone since febuary 6 of 2007

I spend like 4,000 dollars with them and the more i put in my account the more they seem like they i'm fed up with this mess and also you can't never get through them when you call it take an hour before they answer and then you have agent telling different stories each time like they don't know what they are talking about, please help me better the servive so we can reach out to our love ones without spending a whole lot of money. Thank you, LELA DURHAM

newtonvile, Massachusetts

Company: Corectional Billing Services
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 1808446591
Site: corectional billing
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Corectional Billing Services Alabama -
Rip me off with my calls from a faculity

Corectional Billing Services
After accepting call idenified as Sprint. No disclosure of true idenity. Ripoff

Correctional Billing Services, EVER COM
Correctional Billing Services, EVER COM, Barley English Speaking Don't Give a SH... T of a company! Dallas Texas

Corectional Billing Services [Evercom Systems, Inc
Billed 82 calls @ $376.00

Correctional Billing Services, evercom
Correctional Billing Services, evercom took money for unused calls

Correctional Billing Services
Ripoffs for nonexisting services Selma Alabama

Evercom Correctional Billing Services
They are charging me $19.00 for a 15 min. Call, i have put 400.00 on my account in 7days and they state that i have a negative bal. They are ripping me off. Ripoff

Correctional Billing Services - Tnetix
Correctional billing didn't blocked other prison call as promise, call rates has changed from $. 85 to $ 2.80 the first min and $. 30 per min all in the state of Maryland $11.87 for 30 min

Correctional Billing Services
RipOff Very Poor Customer Service

Standard Optical
Every time I call about the glasses they give me a different excuse as to why the glasses have not been delivered. I paid cash of $423.93 on Nov. 2nd 2005