AMR LD Service Plan
Is a fraudulent ripoff


I purchased a credit card from a local bank. A few days later the credit card company called me and said that my card will be mailed in about 5 days. Right after that, they forwarded me to a telemarketer who then said, because I got a credit card from them, they will give me a 30 day phone card for free and if I don't like the service, I could cancel anytime before the 30 day period. I got the phone card thru mail some time during May and I decided right then to call them and cancel my account since I don't need it. The guy assured me that they've cancelled it. Today, after checking my check card balance, I didn't realize that AMR LD SERVICE was already billing me 47.89 every month since May. They thought I would not notice! We've already called them up and they gave me a cancellation number this time. They said they would credit it back to my account. I'm just not sure how fast that would be or if they would credit the whole amount from May to July which is 143.67. From what I've read with other complaints, this company is not prompt in crediting back the money. I would advise, never say yes to any telemarketers call. And if you do think about it first. If you should cancel anything, make sure its absolutely cancelled, make note of the person who cancelled it and also the cancellation number. A.P. Raleigh, North Carolina

Company: AMR LD Service Plan
Country: USA
State: California
City: New Port Beach
Address: 1048 irvine blvd #391
Phone: 8882957130
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Keeps billing my credit card - after numerous service cancellations!

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