New York Post
New york post ripoff


Every night I get a call from a sales rep from the New York post and I've told them to stop calling and after that phone call they took the liberty of signing me up for a year subscription. I've tried to cancel it and they told me that there is nothing they can do. I have decided to go on a daily calling and email campaign to let people know what they are doing. Also, I am planning on calling their 800 number at least five times a day and signing up with bogus names and addresses just to waste the companies time and resources. New York Post not only does your paper suck but you engage in bad business practices.

Company: New York Post
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
Address: P.O. BOX 7247-0291
Phone: 8005527678
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North Shore Agency
Bill me for a New York Post newspaper subscription which I never took

Sks associates
File a complaint w / attorney general, FTC, US Post Office, local law enforcement

716 Services - Seven One Six Services - Allan P. McCarty
Magazine Harrassment 7-1-6 All Even in PA

Major League Baseball
MLB web-site advertizes free post-season games on the net. Not free at all - $19.95 or $9.95 just to start, after they get all credit card info. Complete waste of time

Post Office
Ripoff Several US Cites

Kensington Consulting Group
Ripoff scam

United States Postal Service
Ripoff for insurance claims

New York Auto
They lied me Aurora illinois

Post Media, Registry Patrol, Paul Tremblay
Post Media/Paul Tremblay/Registry Patrol/Hiding in cyberspace/Bogus 'Registry Unlock Key' scam! New york

American Reading Club - The Publishers
Scam, misleading ripoff