Leon Greene, Jr
Fast food or your child's education?


Leon Greene, Jr. And I have two children together, ages 18 and 15. He received a workman's compensation award in June in the amount of $35,662.62 and spent all but $3500 of it within 5 months. He purchased a vehicle, went on two family vacations with his wife, (AKA the human pez dispenser, she now has 7 children), and his other four children and one of his wife's kids from a previous marriage.

We subpoened his bank records to find out that he spends, on average, $800 per month on fast food alone. He claims that he can't afford to assist in paying for our son's college expenses because his wife got fired from her job. It appears that he would rather eat at fast food restaurants on a daily basis instead of assisting with college expenses, mind you he is 250 pounds and can afford to lose a little around the middle.

Leon Greene, Jr. Is a very sad, selfish and pathetic human being. It is very unfortunate that individuals behave in this manner.

Company: Leon Greene, Jr
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Montgomery
Address: 2530 Shauna Drive
Phone: 6309658366
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