Ripoff, over charged over stressed bring these people down now


I was looking for quick advice one day and figured hey this looks kind of interesting Kasamba.com and oh look its only a dollar and twenty five cents per minute. I ended up spending a total of 5 dollars for a 4 minute session with an "expert" and was sent an invoice which i had no problem with 5 dollars not a big deal what i expected.

My credit card company called me a few hours later stating that i had suspicious activity on the card and turns out kasamba.com charged me for 23.75 for the session not the 5 dollars as legaly stated and to make it worse from out of the United States.

This company is sick and should be brought down as quick as possible. It is unfair and legally unjust to charge for more than documented or said in the disclaimer i was told the account set up was free and that i would pay a dollar twenty five for each minute. No hidden fee's as i could see in the contract.

I feel that legal action must be taken against this company as soon as possible and I would challenge any employee from Kasamba to say otherwise. You people cost the helpless thousands upon thousands of dollars for useless information that is shared from "expert" to "expert". Please someone help me bring this scum to the ground.

Company: Kasamba.com
Country: USA
Site: kasamba.com
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POWERFUL VISIONS Con Artist and Cash Cow for Kasamba lies at $16.00 a minute

Inc Manipulates Client Accounts charges clients and doesn't pay experts, then makes expert charge the client AGAIN

Kasamba, www.kasamba.com
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Doesnt honor free minutes ripoff Beaverton

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Christopher P tried to rip me off 2000.00 off of Kasamba!

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