Kasamba Iris The Messenger Spirit Sister - Spiritual Reading - Metafizzical
Aka Many Other Names Fraud rip off claims she never been unde 2.99 minute goes up to 20 a minute Beaverton Oregon


This expert thinks its ethical to go from 99 cents a minute to 20 a minute rips clients off unethical.

Company: Kasamba Iris The Messenger Spirit Sister - Spiritual Reading - Metafizzical
Country: USA
City: Internet: 294734
Site: www.kasamba.com/iris-the-messenger
  <     >  


Spiritual Readings, Iris The Messenger, Metafizzical, Janice, Spiritual Readings, Iris The Messenger
Spiritual Readings, Iris The Messenger, Metafizzical, Janice, Spirit Sister, Janice FRAUD UNETHICAL Ripoff Beaverton

Spiritual Readings - Iris The Messenger - Metafizzical - Janice
Fraud unethical ripoff

Kasamba Iris The Messenger Previously Spiritual Readings
How come?

CLAIR Psychic Messenger At LivePerson Kasamba
$19 psychic changes name like the wind Israel, Oregon, New York

They are robbing you blind!

Telecom Usa
Ripoff - Promised 18 cents a minute, charged 3 dollars per minute. Consumer fraud rip-off and corruption. Oregon

Sprint Long Distance
Lies and rips off clients Does not keep promises Customer service terrible

Movida Cellular
Ripoff, deceptive, untruthful

Ripoff, over charged over stressed bring these people down now

Psychic Chat with Sandina! Scammer on Kasamba. Stay away from he