Improper billing - over billing Internet

Shops, Products, Services

The Kasamba website, with whom charged me on at least two different occasions more that $200 more than the charge they said they would charge - which is per minute. The company also appears to be charging for the time BEFORE the expert is hired. They 'tried' on day - July 25, to charge nmy account five times, which sent up a flare for my credit card company, which flagged my credit card and led to it being cancelled. I await a new card.

Twice I have e-mailed Kasamba on this issue, and neither time received a response.in my e-mails, I asked them to charge me only what I was ccharged according to what they reported would be the cost.

The Kasamba phone number is an answering machine, not a real person, so I haven't found a way to reach a human being.

In sum, I am dissatisfied with the site, not at all with my psychic, who is now aware of my issues with the site.

As a sidebar, I had to cancel some travel plans because of my inactivated card. This happened while I was on vacation.

Company: Kasamba.com
Country: USA
State: Florida, Internet
City: Bradenton
Site: www.kasamba.com
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