Sunshine Subscription Agency
Ripoff Offered magazine subscriptions to win a trip to Cancun was nice so I helped


I was sitting at home and I my door bell rang this young guy who said he was in college and taking a class to help with "fear of public speaking" said he needed one more magazine subscription to win him a trip to Cancun and $1000.

I helped because he was nice and then I go to cancel my subscription like he said I could and not be charged any money. He gave me a customer receipt and everything! When I went to cancel my subscription the website was wrong and so was the number. I wrote a check for $58. He'll probably cash it tomorrow first thing.

Company: Sunshine Subscription Agency
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coral Springs
Address: 7522 Wiles Rd
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Sunshine Subscription Agency
Ripoff, scam, fraud, deceitful, misleading

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