Sunshine Subscription Agency
Ripoff, scam, fraud, deceitful, misleading


I was at home and a young boy came to my door selling magazine subscriptions in order to win a trip to Cancun, Mexico. I wasn't sure about letting him in, but just like everyone else's scam he insisted. He was young so I didn't think that he would lie to me about selling magazine subscriptions for a communications class contest. He told me that he only needed a few more points and each magazine was worth a different amount.

I told him that I didn't want to spend my money but of course he made me feel bad and I ended up getting a two year subscription for Teen Vogue for thirty-four dollars which didn't seem like a bad deal until almost two months later having no magazine! I thought it was kind of weird that there wasn't a phone number for this Sunshine Subscriptions Agency, but how was I suppose to know. I was just trying to help a kid win a trip to Cancun, Mexico.

I will never trust another sales person and neither should anyone who comes into contact with one. Please tell something that I can do to get this problem corrected and punish the people who deserve to be punished.

Company: Sunshine Subscription Agency
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coral Springs
Address: 7522 Wiles Rd., Ste. 112
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