Eugene Dotson
Failure to follow divorce decree


Mr. Dotson was required in our divorce to pay the sum of 8,000 dollars in the property settlement. He was given one year to come up with the money and is now almost 2 months delinquent. He refuses to communicate any information regarding this payment.

He was also ordered to pay 1/2 of all uncoverd medical expenses and was provided with documentation 3 times and to date refuses to pay these bills.

He was ordered to maintain health insurance on our child and he quit two jobs losing the insurance he had and did not inform me. This resulted in hefty "self-pay" bills being recieved from our child's doctor.

He was also required to obtain life insurance on himself to guarantee child support due to his many health problems (high blood pressure, alcoholism, obesity, and congestive heart failure).

He has refused to even try to obtain any amount of life insurance on himself. He was also ordered to pay child support on his child with an IDO being sent to his employer. State statutes require employers to withold monies ar each pay period and submit to the state within 2 days of being deducted, yet over the last 5 months they have skipped 4 payments. I have to make trips up to the local CSE every other week to enforce the court order.

Gene fulfill your obligation, care for our child. I know it galls you that you have to give me one red cent, but the judge knew which parent would try to build a relationship for our child with the other parent. That parent is me. The judge also saw who had cared for our child up to the point of the DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INJUNCTION and that parent was me.

Also it is not any of your business when I work, when I don't, where I go, who I visit, and how long I am away from home, whether our child is with me or not. I am no longer your wife. You have a new wife, go boss her around and beat her up like you did me. Finally be a man and show your true colors. Quit lying to everyone around you and admit that you are messed up, you beat me with our child watching, and you acm't even do today what you have been ordered to do by the courts.

Company: Eugene Dotson
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Paisley
Address: Paisley
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