Coffee County Alabama Judicial System
Ripoff corruption. Coffee County, Alabama must be one of the MOST CROOKEDLY RUN legal systems in the nation!


In I had a GARNISHMENT placed on my paychecks for a case involving Textron Financing, who served a summons to an address I have NEVER been located at.

The Sheriff deputy who signed the papers turned into the Coffee County Courthouse, when confronted on the phone, confessed to me "I have NEVER IN MY LIFE served you with ANYTHING... The ONLY thing I have EVER been given to serve you was a garnishment of about $2,000 on a court case in which I served to Karen Dodson, who said she was your business partner, and said she'd give you the paperwork."

This worse case was a second incident... Somebody stole MY identity, and signed for financing for several hot-tubs for some pool business, using MY name.

I found out NOTHING about it until my paycheck started getting GARNISHED for the amout Textron Financial sued for.

When I inquired about it with the Coffee County Courthouse, I received the documentation, where Sherriff Deputy Petty had signed a paper claiming that he had "personally served" me with the summons.

I NEVER RECEIVED the summons, so knew NOTHING of the case until the garnishment was placed on my paycheck.

This was in 2003!!!

I have, since, contected LITERALLY several DOZEN attorney's trying to find one willing to try to fight the case.

With the results I have had... I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND that ANYBODY considering moving to Southern Alabama...

Avoid coffee county like the plague!!!

Out of the literally DOZENS of attorney's I have contacted, EVERY SINGLE ONE, upon hearing the details of my situation have told me... Exact quote of some of the attorney's...

"If this had occurred in ANY other part of the USA, We'd be with you ALL THE WAY, ahd we could guarantee at least 98% chance of FULL recovery if we filed purgery charges against the Sherriff deputy who signed the summons delivery paperwork. But since it happened in Coffee County Alabama... We WILL NOT TOUCH IT!!! Because we KNOW the judges in THAT county would rule in favor of the sheriff deputy who signed the paperwork. Because in Coffee County... According to the judges... NOBODY wearing a law enforcement badge would EVER do anything like that knowing what that would do to their future law enforcement carreer."

Bow, This week, to get the nearly $20,000 GARNISHMENT paid off, my employer should only be with=holding about $35 from my paycheck to get it paid IN FULL!!!

I'd be almost willing to bet that they will again wigh-hold another $100 from my pay, and I will NEVER see se penny of the OVER-PAYMENT as a REFUND!!!

Are there ANY attorneys out there who would be willing to help me recover the roughly $20,000 that I have had garnished because of this IDENTITY THEFT incident???

If I had known how CROOKET Coffee County Alabama was operated, before the fact... I would have NEVER even considered mofing here!!!

Are there ANY HBONESTLY RUN counties in the southern states, if not in Alabama???

I know for a fact that where I grew up, in Mankato MN, Blue Earth County, MN... Law ENFORCEMENT was actually handled AT LEAST 150% MORE HONESTLY than it is handled here in Coffee County, Alabama!!!

Company: Coffee County Alabama Judicial System
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Enterprise
Address: Several, Including Coffee County Courthouse, Enterprise, AL
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Coffee County Sheriff Department
Deputy Petty Failuer police to deliver legal documents cost local resident THOUSANDS $

Textron Financial
ROBBED ME Almost Onto The Streets! FALSELY sued, Sent summons to WRONG ADDRESS, and STOLE MY $ Ripoff

Coffee County Sheriff Dept. And District Judge B. Paul Sherling
Withholding Legal Dated Documents

Brand of Coffee - coffee brand

Judge Jake Walker - Lee County, Alabama
Lee County, Alabama, Judge Jacob Walker The Best Dirty Judge in Alabama

Applebees Bar & Grill
Applebees lacks quality coffee - Coffee

Coffee - Premium Coffee

Marty Patterson Law Firm
Filed illegal papers, Filed in Wrong County, Kept Money, Lost Case, Disappeared, Can someone help with his whereabouts ripoff

Jacques Machol III, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
This "law" firm, duly sworn, attested to serving my mother with a summons at a wrong address, and are garnishing wages based on failure to appear default judgement

Robbie Treese, III
Mr. The Third, Bobbie Treese, Robbie Treese Violated My Civil Rights—Crawfished out of a Felony Case After Nick Abbett and Corinne Hurst committed fraud against U. S Govt