Advanced Safety Solutions


Ordered Package 4 consisting of 2 Halonex fire extinguishers, 2 fire/smoke detectors & 1 gallon of Flame Proof. Paid $414.49 (included sales tax)

Asked sales rep when I could expect the products. She told me can take at least 8 weeks. Sometimes more, if there are back orders.

6/6/06 Tuesday
Left a message at 1-877-575-0595, inquiring about status of order. 4:45pm

6/7/06 Wednesday
Left another message at 877 number. 11:00 am & again at 4:30pm

6/8/06 Thursday
Left message again at 877 number. 1:00pm

6/9/06 Friday
Left message again at 877 number. 10:15 am

6/12/06 Monday
Left another message at 877 number, stating my extreme frustrating with all the messages I had left without getting a return call, and said I would be reporting to the BBB. 3:30pm Filed an online complaint with the BBB.

6/13/06 Tuesday
Called 877 number again, and there was a message stating the voicemail box was full. While filing complaint with the BBB, I discovered a local number, 203-230-8920. I called that number at answered the phone. I explained to her that I had left 6 messages at the toll free number, and no one had returned my call. I also told her that it had been OVER 16 weeks since Id placed my order. She apologized and told me there warehouse guy had left, and he was the one who checked the messages on that phone. Also that they were backlogged with shipping because of the warehouse guy leaving. She told me she would have someone call me back.

6/14/06 Wednesday
I called the 203 number again, and Tiffany told me I needed to speak with Jamie Jenkins, he was the manager for that office. I asked if I could speak with him, and she told me he was in interviews. But that he would call me back. I never heard from James or anyone from Advanced Safety Solutions in this time.

6/22/06 Thursday
I called the 203 number, and asked to speak with James. I had explained to him that it has now been 18 weeks since I had ordered these products, and that no one returned my phone calls. He apologized, telling me there were a lot of backorders. And guaranteed me my package was set to ship from Hamden via DHL on Friday,

6/23/06. He gave me tracking number 57630158740. He told me it would take approximately 5 days via DHL to arrive to me. And if for some reason I didnt get it in that time, I could call him back.

6/27/06 Tuesday
I went to, to track my package, and saw that it was in transit.

6/28/06 Wednesday
I went to again, and it still showed my package was in transit.
I called DHL to find out why it was still showing in transit. The operator at DHL did not understand why it was being held in the Wallingford warehouse. She asked me if I knew the contents of the package, and I told her what it was. She explained to me it was probably a hazardous material, but someone would call me back. Around 2:30pm, I called the Hamden Office and James answered the phone. I asked him what was going on with my package. He claimed he was not aware of any problems with shipping. I told him I had received a call back from DHL stating it was being held in Wallingford, because there was not proper paperwork filled out for shipping the hazardous materials. He then told me the materials were NOT hazardous. I told him regardless, at this point I no longer even wanted these products, I wanted my money back, because 19 weeks was ridiculous. He then told me that all requests for refunds had to be done in writing, and to address the letter to Tim Wilson. I asked him who Tim Wilson was, because this was the first time I had heard that name. James told me Tim Wilson was in charge of customer service. I asked to speak with this Tim Wilson, and he told me Tim was not at that office. So I asked for Tim Wilsons number. James told me Tim did not have a phone number. I thought that was pretty weird..

6/29/06 Thursday
At 9:30 am, I called the 203 number, and got a recording the number you have dialed is no longer in service. I quickly became concerned. I remembered seeing a RI number when I was on the BBB Website, so I went back to the BBB website, and found 401-736-0200. I called this number, Francis answered the phone. I asked to speak with a manager. A gentleman named RJ told me he was a manager. I explained my problem to him, and told him not only was the toll free number no longer in service, but the 203 number to the Hamden office was no longer in service. He asked me to hold on, and he would try to find out what was going on. RJ came back to the phone, and told me they had switched phone carriers, and that the number probably hadnt switched over yet. RJ then told me if I couldnt get through to the Hamden number in a few hours to call him back. I tried the Hamden office again around 2pm, and it was still not working. I called back RJ at the Rhode Island office, and he was in an interview. I asked to speak with another Manager. Ana came to the phone and I asked her if SHE could help me with my refund, and she said she had nothing to do with refunds. I then asked her what was going with the phone numbers. She told me she was not aware of any problems with the phones, but she would look into it. I then asked Ana if she new how to get a hold of Tim Wilson. She told me to call the toll free number, as that was the only way to get in touch with him. I then told her that number was not working. Ana said she did not know of any other way to get in touch with Mr. Wilson, other than the toll free number. (remember James said Tim does NOT have a number?) She then told me someone would get back to me. No one called me. That same afternoon I wrote my letter.

6/30/06 Friday
I called the Hamden number again, it rang, and James answered. I told him a HUGE red flag went up when I tried the Hamden number, and the toll free number, and neither of them worked. He told me they had switched carriers, and the number hadn't transferred. I asked what address I should use to send my refund letter to. He told me to send it to the Hamden office, and he would give it to Tim Wilson. I knew we were coming into a Holiday weekend, and I wanted this addressed BEFORE the long weekend.

I went to Advanced Safety Solutions at 3490 Whitney Ave, Suite 203 in Hamden, CT to hand deliver my letter. When I got there I asked the gentleman at the desk to speak with Tim Wilson, and he gave me a puzzled look, as if he had no idea who I was talking about. Then I asked for James Jenkins. James the came out of a back office, and asked if he could help me. I told him who I was and that I wanted to speak with this Tim Wilson, and he told me Tim was not at that office. I asked him where Mr. Wilsons office was. James told me MR. Wilsons office was in New York. I said that was pretty weird, for someone in charge of customer service not to have a contact number, or a mailing address. He just shrugged his shoulders. I then proceeded to let James know my frustrations with everything that had gone on up until this point. He apologized, and told me he would have this taken care of, and that someone would call me back that afternoon. I also let him know how this company did not look legitimate, and he assured me it was, and that the BBB reports wrong information, and the company was looking into legal action against the BBB.
No one called me back.

7/05/06 Wednesday
I called the Hamden Office, and there was no answer. I called the RI number, and asked to speak with RJ. Danielle told me RJ no longer worked with the company. I asked who was in charge of the office now. She told me Jamie. I asked her if she meant James Jenkins. Danielle told me yes. I then asked to speak with James. She took a message because he was in an interview.
I did not get a call back.

7/6/06 Thursday.
Around 10am, I called the Hamden number, and there was no answer. I then called the RI number, and Danielle answered. I asked to speak with Tim Wilson. She asked me to repeat the name. I said it again. She told me I had the wrong number. I asked her if this was Advanced Safety Solutions. She told me it was. I then asked her if there was a Tim Wilson in charge of customer service. She told me there was not. I then asked to speak with James. Danielle told me James was in a training session and asked if I wanted to leave a message. I told her to have James call me ASAP, and that I didnt appreciate being lied to. Around 11:30 am, I called back and asked to speak with James. Danielle told me he was in an interview. I told her I wanted to speak with him immediately. She said she could not interrupt an interview. I asked if I could set up an interview. Danielle told me I couldnt, unless I was interested in a position with the company. I told her I was interested in a position, and I needed to set up and interview. She said, OK, have a good day, and hung up on me. Around 12 noon, I got a call from Ana, who said she is in charge of customer service. I asked her what happened to Tim Wilson. She told me I am Mrs. Wilson. I said excuse me, YOURE Mrs. Wilson? Are you related to Tim Wilson? Well, um kinda. I said, Well, either you are or you arent. She told me that was personal. I said, so, Tim Wilson is a fake name. She assured me it was not a fake, but that I again asked what it was she did. She told me she was in charge of customer service, and asked me to explain to her what was going on. So AGAIN, I explained, and ended with the fact that I wanted a refund. I also told her I had delivered a letter to James. She at first said she did not get any letter, and usually doesnt get letters, but later told me she may have received a letter, but she gets so many she may not have seen it yet. She was very unsure of a lot of things, and had a completely different story than the other ones. For example I asked why there was no answer in the Hamden office for the past 2 days? Anas answer was well, maybe James is on vacation. When I told her he was working in the RI office, because RJ had left the company, she told me RJ still worked there. I begged to differ, because he is now in Las Vegas, and she told me he did not move, and was still with the company. I also asked her how to get ahold of Mark Mingolo or Robert Drozack, and she told me she only see's "Mr. M" once in a while, and she had no way of getting ahold of Mr. Drozack. I ended the conversation by letting her know I wanted to know EXACTLY when and where I would get my refund. She told me she would look into it, but it could take her a day or two. I asked her to keep me informed on what was going on, and she said she would.

7/7/06 Friday
I left a message on Ana's phone, and tried calling the Warwick, RI office, and the voicemail box was full. Still no answer at the Hamden Office.

7/10/06 Monday
I called Anas phone again, and left another message. I also called the RI number, but got the voicemail twice. Also no answer at the Hamden office.

7/11/06 Tuesday
I called and left ANOTHER message on Ana's phone. I then called the RI office. Danielle answered. I asked to speak with Ana Backo, and she told me Ana was not in. I then asked for Ana Wilson, and I was told she did not work out of that office. I asked where her office was. Danielle told me she did not know. I then asked to speak with James. Danielle told me he was in an interview. I then asked Danielle if she access to the internet, and she told me not at the office. I then proceeded to inform her of information I had found on the company she was working for, and she did not seem to have any knowledge, or believe me. I asked to speak with James, and he was in a training session.
Around 2pm, Ana called me back. She told me the products I ordered had been delivered to my house, and she knows this was "more than I expected". I asked her what did she NOT understand about REFUND? She told me the package had shipped on Monday from Hamden. I told her it was RIDICULOUS that AFTER I had complained to SO MANY different people, and demanded a refund, WHY would they FINALLY re-ship the package from Hamden 2 weeks after they tried to ship the first time. I told her I still wanted a refund, and I would refuse the package.
When I got home, I noticed there was no indication on the package regarding the hazardous materials inside. Not to mention, I did not even open the box, because it did NOT appear to be large enough to hold 2 fire extinguishers, 2 smoke detectors and a gallon of flame proof liquid.

7/12/06 Wednesday
I called UPS and asked if they new there were hazardous materials in the package, and they were not. I then told them I was refusing delivery, as I was waiting for a refund on these products. UPS came that afternoon to pick up the package.

7/13/06 Thursday
I called Ana and told her I still wanted my refund. She told me she could not promise anything, but that she would contact Mr. Drosack, and express my concern to him. (remember she had no way to get ahold of him?) I told her sat this point this whole process had been ridiculous. Every time I have asked for my money back, I get a new line, and a new LIE to go along with it.

7/14/06 Friday
I called Ana and left a message for her. I then drove out to the Warwick Office. When I went in, there was a young woman sitting at the receptionist desk. I asked to speak with jamie. She told me he was not there and asked if she could help me. I asked for another manager. She tld me she was a manager. I aksed her name, and she told me it was Ana. I then said "I thought you were in charge of customer service? I'm Michelle". Then she asked me to come into an office. I follwed her into James Jenkins Office, which has the SAME exact stuff in it as the Hamden Office. I told her I wanted my refund, and I was tired of playing games. She told me she would call Mr. Drozak ("Cuz he's real ya know"), and she would call me back by 4 pm. I told her fine, but I wanted to know by 4 pm when to expect my refund, or I would be filing a small claims suit on Monday. As I was leaving, there were 2 people waiting for an "interview" I asked them if they had done any research on this company, and they told me no. I then gave them each a copy of the badbusineesbureau report. Ana looked pretty shocked when I did this. But SOMEBODY has to keep these con artists from hiring innocent people.
No phone call ever came

7/17/06 Monday
At 8:50am, Ana called. She told me they have been trying to get ahold of the girl who sold the stuff to me since Friday. I asked why they were trying to get ahold of an EX employee? She did not know, but thats their policy. I told her that everytime I ask for my money back. There is ALWAYS another lie, story and stall. I was heading the courthouse that morning to file a suit. Ana told me they are working to get ahold of her and they were trying to get my refund. Again, I said... WHY involve someone who does not have any affiliation with the company. And TRYING to get my refund. I told Ana they have had over 3 weeks to TRY to get my refund.
15 minutes later, Ana (who previously had no way to get ahold of Mr. Drozak) called me again, and told me she just got off the phone with Mr. Drozak, and that I must've misunderstood her. They WILL get me my refund, but they had to talk to the sales rep... Still doesn't make sense. So now, after WEEKS of asking and being persistant, 'they' are going to get my refund overnited from who knows where, and I should have it by Wednesday. Ana "PROMISED" to call me back by the end of the day to let me know where I could meet her to get my refund.

I will update this as needed. But if you are in the Warwick Area, stop by and warn innocent people:

3657 Post Road
Warwick, RI 02886
They are on the second floor.

Company: Advanced Safety Solutions
Country: USA
State: Rhode Island
City: Warwick
Address: 3657 Post Road
Phone: 2032308920
  <     >  


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