Warner Healthcare - Avlimil
Unauthorized credit card billing refuse refund

Health & Medicine

I checked their website and decided to order the FREE trial and also signed up for the managed care for $35.00 per month. A couple of days later I called the customer service number and canceled my managed care but received the package anyway and was charged for the product. I immediately sent the package back and called and asked for the refund.

I was told I had to wait until they received the products which I could understand. This occurred on October 16. This is February 2 and I still do not have my refund. I have called at least five times to check on my refund and the last time I called was on January 30 and was told that they were working on it. I asked to speak to a supervisor or someone in charge and was told I could not speak to anyone.

I then asked for the number to their corporate offices so I could call someone there to complain and was told "they are currently moving their offices so the phones are not working and I have no address to give you." Image that one. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THESE PEOPLE!!! I intend on filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and the Attorney General in my state.

Company: Warner Healthcare - Avlimil
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Jay
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Warner Healthcare Avlimil
Unauthorized shipments of Avlimil and charges to my credit card

Berkley Premium Nutraceuticals
Aka warner healthcare inc. I canceled managed care in february of today 06/10 they charged my credit card 45.00 for product i have never recieved and several months after canceling with them

Avlimil (aka) Warner Health Care
Avlimil is a ripoff, after i got my sample, fraudulent charges made on credit card, didn't work at all. Ohio

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Lifekey - Wagner Pharmaceuticals - Warner Healthcare
Ripoff misleading website information causing credit card charges

Warner Healthcare - AVLIMIL
Warner Healthcare Inc, AVLIMIL ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Warner Healthcare - Avlimil
Ripoff - unauthorized credit card charges after I called to cancel

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Warner Healthcare - Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals Avlimil ripoff Avoiding Honoring Money Back Guarantee

Warner Healthcare - Avlimil
Ripoff, unauthorized merchandise sent

Warner Health
Avlimil ripoff Unauthorized use of Credit Card, fraudulent Charges and sales

Warner Health Care - Amlivil
Warner Health Care - "Avlimil" ripoff Criminals who use Internet Bank Fraud, to steal money using Consumers credit card numbers, Scumbags use the Guise of a business to commit Credit Card Theft