West Telemarketing
Deceptive, liars, scammers, very unprofessional


I went back to work for WEST, i had to go thru a ringer to get re-hired! They said training for NELNET was for 2 weeks, they crammed it down our throats in "3" days!!! And expected us to be professional about it, and retain all of the information. After i saw other csr's on the floor, i decided not to go back after training!

The trainer named (JI) what is this about, did your mother not like you, or is the FBI looking for you or something? They really screw you when they tell you that training is only $5.15 per hour, and the base pay is only $6.40 per hr. And on the overtime is where you really get screwed... And what about that guy that kept interrupting our class, yelling at us, what the heck is that about??? And his uncle bob... Or uncle vito!!! Like the other lady said about west, avoid at all cost... If you do not believe us then go work there and see for yourself... They will hire anybody...

Company: West Telemarketing
Country: USA
State: Texas
Address: 10938 LAUREATE
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Talisman Motor Company
AUTO SALES - PAID TRAINING - Paid training & immediate hire after training

Pro Auto Careers - Creative Training And Consulting
Trainer made me believe I had been offered job when I had not which required me to pay for training. Ripoff

Training Camp
Training Camp is a SCAM, Suite 101, Trevose

Macauley Rankin And Lisa Montalto
Liars! Did not get what I payed for

Grapnel Tech Services
Grapneltech, grapnel tech, grapneltechservices DON'T TAKE BUSINESS ANALYST TRAINING FROM THEM

Sunshine Management Training Division
Sushine Management Training Division rip off scam

MD Everywhere
Be ware before working for this company

West County Honda Superstore
Deceptive, Liars, Unethical, Snake Oil Salesman/Owne

West At Home
Training Nightmare - DO NOT SIGN UP!

Teleperformance ASD Shreveport
Johnathon Clark, the "training" manager. Substandard rushed training left me ill prepared for what was expected on production floor