Infinite Financial Card, Integrity - Financial Enterprises
Infinite Financial Card - Integrity Financial Enterprises - Matthew Argall Fraudulent telemarketing scam involving non-bank credit card and merchant catalog sales card ripoff


I was an attempted victim of a high-pressure telemarketer who tried to scam me into agreeing to give him my bank account and routing numbers, mother's maiden name, Driver's license and issuing state, Social Security number, and more. Needless to say, I didn't give it to him.instead, I not only used fake information, but I actually put him on hold while I "grabbed my checkbook" (in reality, I was grabbing my tape recorder).

When I came back, I tried to keep him on the phone as long as possible by goofing up the numbers and constantly getting them wrong. This not only frustrated him, but it kept him from scamming someone else while he was wasting time with me!

The scam is this: if you agree to allow a one-time $300 debit from your checking account, they promise you a "credit card" that can be used (in their words) "at a gas station, restaurant, shop stop, or anywhere a normal credit card can be used." The catch is that they not only record your conversation (which makes my recording completely legal!), but they will only send you a "finance card" that can only be used on overpriced crap from their very thin catalog of worthless junk.

Although I am holding on to the tape recording for now, I just sent a transcript of the entire tape-recorded conversation to the FBI, the Florida Attorney General (along with the complaint form and I filed a complaint with the FTC at:

Https://rn. Ftc. Gov/pls/dod/wsolcq$. Startup? Z_ORG_CODE=PU01

They also tried to "slam" my phone service. Slamming is slang for switching your phone service without your permission.

These guys have it coming, and will get busted eventually. If I can help that along, then so be it...

Company: Infinite Financial Card, Integrity - Financial Enterprises
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 300 S. Duncan Ave, Ste #210
Phone: 7272520132
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