Dalcor - Princeton Club
Ripoff If you are a lawyer please read! They are keeping me from getting another apartment


I have been here for nearly five years and have recently decided to move. We have applied at several other apartments and have been denied at all. Each time it was because of something the manager at Princeton Club told them. The problem is it is not true.

The first one we applied for they denied us because we were late on our rent so we understood that one. The second one we applied at told us that Princeton Club only had record of us being there for eight months and that we were late 5 times. I went to the office and the asst. Manager found our leases, but said there was no rental history. So I then spoke to the manager on the phone and she told me that Dalcor destroys everyones records every year. Then when I spoke to her in person she said that when we transfered apartments with-in the complex and a new tenant moved in our records were then destroyed. I can't understand this. Then the third place told us that the manager told them that we owe rent, which we don't, and that we own 3 animals not one like we put on the application.

I then had a friend call and pose as an apartment complex and she was told to fax a request for information and to also fax my filled out application. I've been told this is illegal because that is my private information.

I believe that they are trying to force me to stay and I don't know what to do. Even if I get out some way I don't want them to get away with this. Please if you can help or if you are having this problem with dalcor contact me.

Company: Dalcor - Princeton Club
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 14800 Memorial Drive
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