Advertising Endeavors
Danata "Blondes" another one with charming lies


First of all, I am not in the group of "down with commission sales" advocates. So that being said I am not disgruntled cause i couldn't hustle and make a sale in the field. I hit good numbers and if you can make $700 or $800 in a week, then you are doing better than the average entry level worker.

Insurance sales, Mortgages, Stock Brokers and many other VERY lucrative sales positions, operate on COMMISSION. So if that word scares you, don't take the job.

DANATA, President of Advertising Endeavors, now that is scary!

She is why sales gets a bad reputation. See you don't have to lie to sell and in fact it is very easy to teach and train and motivate people when there is something to look forward to.

This is not Danata's approach. Her approach is trying to make people feel special if they have "earned" her time! Like if they made money they are good. The problem is, that she lies and tells people that she will coach them, which takes time.

So haw can one master a trade if they have no master of a trade to be apprentice to. The Kicker: She claims to be like the hardest worker in the history of the world! AKA NO LIFE!!!

To the guys in the office there is always this flirty type of acting, like "I may like you so stick around" personality. Be a Manager, not a Bar-maid! It is just so plastic

Danata lets her slaves "leaders" do the real work. She couldn't be bothered with the basics being that she is beyond that. So Alex and Mark and even Andrea are the sources of help, they are good leaders, not her (if they are stll there)!

I left Advertising Endeavors in search of better mentorship. Someone who can say good job with out feeling threatened that they loose the spotlight. I like to feel that after 14 hours, i have accomplished something not to be told EVERY TIME to raise the bar the next day. DANATA, TRY A COMPLIMENT WE ARE NOT ANTS!

So this I leave you with. I like sales, I like commission, if I am good i get more of it.
I do not like Blonde Cleavage Bearing Tyrants like the one at Advertising Endeavors!

It's a Tricky Disguise, But Don't Be "Blonded" by the Lies!

Company: Advertising Endeavors
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: 3700 Koppers St
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Advertising Endeavors
Cydcor Danata "Blondes" another one with her Charming Lies ripoff

Advertising Endeavors
Cydcor - Marketing Team Tricky business switches names to play games ripoff

The Marketing Team, Advertising Endeavors, Cydcor
Danata caught telling her Manager she was making NOOOO Money! Ripoff

The MB Group, Advertising Endeavors, Cydcor Office
Not even the Admin, Andrea likes her Boss Ripoff

The Marketing Team
Advertising Endeavors, Cydcor ripoff by switching company names! How dishonest!

The Marketing Team - Advertising Endeavors - Cydcor
Ripoff Lies to new grads and entry levels Ask about the other company Names

Advantage Marketing
Danata Janofsky, Kalila The Drone, CydcorAdvantage Marketing Danata's smiling Puppet at the front desk shouldn't fool you, They are all BS

AMG, Advantage Marketing, Cydcor, Danata's Fairyland
Danata throws a tantrum in front of everyone, Nice President!

The Marketing Team - Advertising Endeavors - Cydcor - MB
The Marketing Team - Advertising Endeavors - Cydcor -MB Now For The 4th Name Change ripoff that you can see right through. This place is for jokers

The Marketing Team
CYDCOR, The MB Group, Advertising Endeavors total scam, shady multi-level marketing, brainwashing