The Marketing Team
CYDCOR, The MB Group, Advertising Endeavors total scam, shady multi-level marketing, brainwashing


I have read so many things on this website about The Marketing Team (or whatever they are calling themselves these days)

I can not believe that no one has shut this company down yet.
I am HUMILIATED to admit that unfortunately, I too was scammed by the beautiful bubble-gum half-wit named Danata. If I didn't spen most of my time at The Marketing Group thinking that if I made her enough money I might have a chance to score, I would have been out the door before my "first round interview" was over. But instead, I stuck it out got into "leadership" and became one of Danata's top lackies.

I paid for my "team" to do all of the things that any good leader would... Afterall, I need to lock them in and build that solid relationship, just like Danata did with me when she was locking me in, right?
I told them the same lies that I was told by my leader (who, by the was, was smart enough to quit long before I did) I built and lost many many teams. I built and lost many relationships. I lost many dollars. I did everything that the brainwashing CYDCOR freaks tell you to do, and still I was not a manager. So what was their answer? Obviously there is something wrong with me, right?

As if the "Field" doesn't drain you physically and emotionally enough, now you have all of these people telling you that there is something wrong with you, that you aren't ever going to have what it takes to be successful.

This company is nothing more than a drain to your bank account, your self-esteem, and you overall well-being.
The only good thin that can come out of working for Danata is you will know what kind of job you DON'T want, and you will learn how to get to the top from kissing ass all day long, which will probably apply to a real world job also, but fortunately with a real word job you will also GET PAID!

If you work for Danata, QUIT NOW! It isn't worth the humilitation, degradation, or the expense. Danata is a liar and a fake and all that she cares about is herself. She lives in some bizarre fake world where people are dollar signs and any company that has to hide by moving around and changing names isn't a company that I want to work for.

Company: The Marketing Team
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: Frederick Rd
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The Marketing Team
Advertising Endeavors, Cydcor ripoff by switching company names! How dishonest!

The Marketing Team - Advertising Endeavors - Cydcor - MB
The Marketing Team - Advertising Endeavors - Cydcor -MB Now For The 4th Name Change ripoff that you can see right through. This place is for jokers

Advantage Marketing, Oracle Marketing, Market Baltimore, The Marketing Team, Marketing Firm, Cydcor
Donata Interviewed my friend. Same Girl, Different story

The Marketing Team - Advertising Endeavors - Cydcor
Ripoff Lies to new grads and entry levels Ask about the other company Names

The Marketing Team, MB, Cydcor
The Marketing Team, MB Cydcor ripoff center of

Advertising Endeavors
Cydcor - Marketing Team Tricky business switches names to play games ripoff

Advantage Marketing
Danata Janofsky, Kalila The Drone, CydcorAdvantage Marketing Danata's smiling Puppet at the front desk shouldn't fool you, They are all BS

The Marketing Team, Advertising Endeavors, Cydcor
Danata caught telling her Manager she was making NOOOO Money! Ripoff

The MB Group, The Marketing Team, Advertising Endeavors, Cydcor
Ripoff How many times do you have to change your name

Advantage Marketing, Cydcor
Danata Really did steal. I saw the crazy but true video