Officer Tom Simon - DPS Arizona
Officer Tom Simon Of DPS Arizona BAD COP ripoff


Watch out on I-10 west in AZ. Motorcycle cop Tom Simon has a big chip on his shoulder and abuses his authority. He seems to enjoy profiling people - or shall I say "victims" by their looks. Case in point, my buddy came from out of state to help me with my car. My 3day permit was one day expired and my friend was on his way to the mechanic to see what the heck was wrong with the car, and then he was on to emissions. That day he went to emissions twice for Christ's sake.

Enter big bad Officer with his little trainee whom he has to show off to right? Pulls my friend over, and LIES about some person with his name (he has a very very rare last name mind you) and says this 'person' has a warrent. Its 30 degrees outside, my friend is sick with the flu and the officer demands he take off jackets and shirts so he's standing on the road half naked (maybe Tommy's gay who knows). He proceeds to "check for tattoos" yeah right Tommy Boy, LIAR!!! Oh, and they check MY car (remember car is mine) for weapons. We have none you dipshits.

So my friend is given a $100 ticket. A bs ticket as if the HARASSMENT was not enough. I wrote to this "good ol' boy" Tom at DPS asking him (because I do Private Investigations) to provide me with the REAL alleged criminal's name that he accused my friend of being. My friend has had ID theft and this would help us to know if someone is out there committing crimes with that name. Mr. Cop got real silent all of a sudden. He could not look at me in court either. This is the mark of a real Dick. You are a disgrace to cops of which I have 4 in my family.

I'll shout it for Phoenix to hear OFFICER TOM SIMON IS A LIAR, HE PROFILES PEOPLE BASED ON LOOKS (my friend happens to wear his hair longer and of course that coupled with a "spic" name to a cop like Tom Simon is a good enough reason to harass someone. Words of wisdom Officer Simon - what goes around comes around. We reap what we sow and I sure as hell wouldn't want to be riding a Motorcycle on the highways with bad Karma. Yikes! Sure I'd probably feel bad if something happens to you out there but you know, you'll have brought it upon yourself. God sees all. I hope the state of AZ enjoyed the $100 bucks I was saving for my kid's Christmas!

Company: Officer Tom Simon - DPS Arizona
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: West Encanto
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