United Voice Messaging
Billing ripoff, scam, phone Internet


Both numbers are for the company. My phone company, Qwest, removed the charges and blocked the company. I filed a complaint with the FCC. My 17 year old step son filled out the information on one of those pop-ups for "grouplotto.com". He lied about his age. The company removed the charges when I insisted he was under 18 and that I filed a complaint with the FCC.

It's supposed to be a toll-free # messanging service...

Company: United Voice Messaging
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8006794027
Site: uvmessaging.com
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United Voice Messaging
Ripoff fraudulent billing for voice messaging services I never signed up fo

United Voice Messaging
They Crammed Charges on my local bill.internet

Integretel - United Voice Messaging
Integretel-United Voice MessagingIntegretel Inc., United Voice Messaging ripoff-Unauthorized billing for service not requested

Nationwide Voice Messaging
Ripoff, dishonest fradulent billing Internet

Nationwide Voice Messaging
Ripoff - charges telephone bill for service you though you were entering information on a group lotto site for free groceries F

United Voice Mail

ILD Telecommunications, Miko, And Sprint
Ripoff, lies, shifting the blame ""

Nationwide Voice Messaging
Ripoff, unauthorized billing through The Billing Resource and Qwest Nationwide

Charges were made to my Qwest bill in the amount of $8.43 for long distance phone services that I did not subscribe to.internet And On-line Only

United Voice Messaging - Integretel
United Voice Messaging ripoff, billed charges on telephone bill, never heard of them