Spring Valley Apartments


I want to thank the individual from 10/31/05. I was begining to wonder if I just had a bad dream. But, nope, it was true. There was a murder here. And no one will tell you anything.

Reports go out for sex offenders in the neighborhoods, but I can't know that there is a murder outside my apartment door? There is just something really wrong with that.

I've unfortunately been here for 1 year and can't wait to get out. I can barely sleep or eat with all the cockroaches around. We spray everyweek, and yet nothing. Our neighbor's apartment should be condemned. I passed by the other day when the door was opened, and it smelled like someone died in there. People who have gone in there, tell me horror stories.

I thought tenants were to keep up there apartments. These poeple have made it unsanitable, and management could care less.infact, if they ever do move out, there won't be much of a cleaning of that apartment. I know, because when we moved in, I spent 2 days cleaning everything.

And for the people who actually have noted that it takes them weeks to get things repaired, FEEL LUCKY. It's been 1 year and not ONE item I needed repaired has been fixed. The landlord's sons work for her so it's all in the family.

How can they keep a straight face and mention in the apartment books that they offer a spa??? That thing has been empty since we moved in over a year ago. I would love to relax in a hot tub, (i could relax and watch all the murders.)

Then there was the great re-modeling of the laundry room. It was closed for FOUR MONTHS. We had to drive to laundromats to wash our clothes as they charge over $30 for a compact washer/dryer in your apartment. Once the laundry room did open, it was worse than before, i wouldn't even wash my clothes in there it was so bad. I HAVE PICTURES.

Isn't there anyone out there who will take on these people? Or is everyone scared? What is the deal? I shouldn't have to live like this.

And yes, the police have their daily visits. Sometimes 2-3 times a day! But the one night someone gets murdered in the parking lot, they're not around. GO FIGURE.

I pick up the garbage around the grounds outside my apartment because I can't stand it. I can't believe management can drive by and not do anything. It makes me sick.

Someone please help.

Company: Spring Valley Apartments
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 17239 N 19th Ave
Phone: 6028662533
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