First National Credit Card
Credit card scam RIPOFF


I just recieved this card thinking that I was getting a credit card that I could use any store I pleased like general credit cards but I got one where I could only use it in the magaizine they provided to shop from. Also there was a huge annual fee and an activation fee that was taken from my account before I activated it, plus it was a bigger fee then what it was said to be.

They took $349 from my account before I even got the information regarding this card. They stole my money and tried to set me up for bankruptcy but thank god I found this site before I activated it. I am working on getting my money back but I am still upset that people actually do this as a job knowing that they are stealing innocent peoples money without any guilt. Some people just disgust me.

El Cajon, California

Company: First National Credit Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 46101
Phone: 8002777056
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