Chapman Auto


My husband and I bought a car from Chapman in 2001. We bought it for almost 10,000 dollars. We made our payments to the company in person and on time.

We go to make another payment, and what do you know... They had moved. Our payment is late. There is a sign on the door that they have moved to Scottsdale.

We call them the next Monday to ask them where we send our payment, since we went to make the payment and the place was closed. They pull up our account and let us know that a respossesion is in place.

They told us that due to the late payment, the car would have to be turned over. They also told us that they had mailed out letters to every customer stating that they were moving. We had never recieved anything from them.

I stated this to the person I spoke with on the phone. The insisted they sent out notices. I asked them to verify the address they sent them to. They gave me an address that wasnt mine. I told them that they sent the notice to the wrong address and they couldnt repo the car since it was there mistake.

They proceeded to tell me that was the addy I gave them... So I grabbed my contract, and what do you know... They had it wrong. The contract had our correct addy on it, they just put it in the PC wrong.

Needless to say, they repoed the car, and it now appears as a repo on my credit as well as my husbands. They reposessed after the payment was 2 days late because of their mistake. What assholes.

Company: Chapman Auto
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 1500 W Bell Road
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