ACSC, - Buckley Brothers
ACSC Aka Buckley Brothers leasing fraud, deception, greed


ACSC, LLC also known as the Buckley brothers, are extremely greedy, and short-sighted commercial landlords. The Buckley Bros. And their lackey property managers CB Richard Ellis, have raised CAM rates inexorably and without explanation annually for the last 2 years. CAM has risen for all tenants apprx. $1/sq. Ft.! They have done this in all of their centers.

I caution any potential tenants to not enter into negotiations for retail space with either of these clowns (CBRE and Buckley Bros.). They are not the least bit interseted in the welfare of their tenants and seem to go out of their way to spite them, at times to their own detriment! I have had 7 other commercial landlords over the years in other businesses and have never experienced this!

If you happen to have the leverage of a large company you might have the lawyer horsepower to keep these clowns at bay, but if you are a little guy looking to open a small shop, do yourself a favor and look elsewhere.

Company: ACSC, - Buckley Brothers
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: P.O. Box Box 22055
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