Jeff Paul
Making Money In Your Underware ripoff, deceptive, billing practices Ripoff


Anyone doing business with this firm better hang on to their wallet. I responded to a tv informercial and was interested in the books they were selling. The agent taking my order was pitching offers and ad ons with great enthusiasim to which I politely at the time responded with, "no thank you". She went into detail about the millionaires club and such. I told her I only wanted the books and would decide later if I wanted to purchase any other materials or services. I made it very clear. Only the books.

For two months I have been billed $29.95 per month for consultation services I have never used since I was unaware I got anything other then the books. The company replied by email the agent could not and would not seperate the trial membership from the purchase package. This was not and I repeat "not" what I agreed to. I repeated at least twice that I was only interested in the books. Had that not been possible, I should have been told honestly and up front that the program can not be purchased in such fashion. Very, very slimy if you ask me. Don't trust these people. They give all decent firms selling online or on tv a bad rap. I'am pursuing legal action against this firm. I didn't use their services, I ask not to be part of the ongoing consultation offer and was sold the program with that understanding on my part. The reply is that there is an opt out form in the package of materials. Thats total garbage. I should be able to buy a product, pay for that product and throw it in the garbage without ever opening it and not be subject to ongoing fees if I requested up front the transaction be done that way. And in fact that is the very thing I did. I asked for written materials and specifically to be left out of any other deal, offer or ongoing commitment. They sold it anyways and now say I could not purchase the plan that way. Pure underhanded, slimy, fraudulant behavior.

Company: Jeff Paul
Country: USA
Address: jeffpaul. tv
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Mystery Guild
Bought required number of books but company will not accept fulfillment of commitment. Ripoff

Jeff Paul
Package lacked promised materials, links were dead, one book was made of random pages of other package books

James Scribner - Integrity Program - Team Xtreme - Kays Naturals Powerhouse Sales Dynasty Sales
Solicited and sold childrens books in august an to date they have not beeb received

Literary Guild
Disputed final charges

Bottom Line Books
Books sent not ordered

Author House, 1stBooks Publishers
Author House Formerly 1stBooks Publishers Ripoff Failed to file quarterly reports did not pay royalties as per contract lied about number of sales

Groiler Books Disney 1st Baby Books
Groiler first disney books is a rip off!

Jacobsen Books
Valerie and Paul Jacobsen Stopped paying for books they took to sell on consignment

Bottom Line Books
Unordered books

Quality Paperback Book Club
Be very careful when you order from this company!