Mystery Guild
Bought required number of books but company will not accept fulfillment of commitment. Ripoff

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I joined the Mystery Guild with the understanding that I must purchase three books over a two-year period in order to fulfill my commitment. I purchased three books almost immediately (in addition to the books I originally purchased at a big discount when I first joined). It just so happens that the three books I purchased were all part of one months featured selections. However the total price of the books was $46.0 which averages $15.00 each which is what a big percentage of the individual selections sell for.

Now the company claims that I must purchase two more selections to fulfill my commitment because I only purchased one selection. The original agreement did not mention anything about purchasing any minimum number of selections. It only stated that I must buy three additional books, which I have done. They will not enter into any dialog about this, they only repeat their mantra that I must purchase two more selections to fulfill my commitment.

I have written them (certified mail) that I will not be responsible for any future shipments. That I do not have to pay for anything I do not order. That I will not return any more notices of shipments by deadlines, etc., etc. I still receive the notices about every three weeks. I do go online and decline the selection so that they are not shipped. However this is getting tiresome.

At some point I will probably just let them ship the selections which I will keep unopened (although legally, I could open them & read them & keep them). I wonder how many other hundreds of people have experienced the same treatment by this group. I think it is time for a class action on behalf of the many, many (I believe) who continue to be harassed by this outfit.

Company: Mystery Guild
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Camp Hill
Address: PO Box 6461
Phone: 7179182665
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