USA Universal Subscription Agency


I was at the mall yesterday when some guy stopped me and asked me how old I was. I told him and he asked if I would like to help him. I asked how and he told me to sit down. Now I hadn't really been planning to sit a chat with a stranger, but he didn't really give me a choice.

He started off by telling me he went to college at Syracuse and he was a football player. It was kind of believable because he was big. He then gave me the whole story that everyone receives: he's trying to beat the girls in winning a trip to Cancun and that he was in first place for the first time ever, blah blah blah. He also told me I would receive two sweatshirts and a jacket. I didn't really get why I was getting shirts or how I was going to get them, but he didn't give me much of a chance to speak.

He proceeded to ask me personal questions about my dating history, made crude comments about sex and told me I was sexy. I was shocked and I didn't know what to say. I was very uncomfortable but I didn't know how to get out of the situation. Looking back, now I wished I had just gotten up and left because I was at the mall. He didn't really ask if I would buy the magazines, he just handed me the slips with the magazines filled out that I wanted.

My friend called me on my cellphone, thank god, so I was able to get away from him. He asked me for a hug and asked me for my phone number to take me out to dinner. I was so creeped out by him that as soon as I got home I filled out the cancellation forms. Then I decided to come online and see if they had a website. Unfortunately I got ripped off by this asshole. I'm going to fight sooo hard to get my $70 back because they have no right to do this. It just really pisses me off that I was dumb enough to let this guy toy with my head. Usually I catch onto these things quickly, but I was in a good mood that day and didn't feel like being mean. I guess I shouldn't ever help anyone unless I know them. Don't let them rip you off!!!

Company: USA Universal Subscription Agency
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 94107
Phone: 7025970867
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