CBS - Big Brother - RealPlayer Superpass
CBS Big Brother - RealPlayer Superpass RipOff, Deceptive Advertising! Los Angeles California


CBS Reality Game Show Big Brother has partnered with RealPlayer ( to offer 'Live 24/7' Internet Webcam Feeds from inside the BigBrother House.
Well, guess what - turns out '24/7' can include lengthy close-up shots of a FishBowl!

In fact, this 'FishCam' can appear on all cameras repeatedly throughout the day and for up to five hours at a time.

In particular if any exciting or controversial events or conversations begin taking place you can almost expect to see the webcams shut down and all focused on the side of a fishtank!

This is deceptive advertising!

24/7 view of 'whats going on inside the house' should not include the side of a fishtank!

Obviously the Fishtank cameras are a form of editing and CBS/Big Brother should explain the cams will be effectively turned off whenever controversial or exciting events occur!

Just recently a guest broke CBS own stated rules and was clearly up for disqualification (by their own advertised rules) when all '24/7' cameras went to Fishbowl for Five hours.

Was this an attempt to censor or hide Big Brother breaking its own rules and possibly abusing the game-show laws?

We don't know really because the 'Live 24/7' cameras which promise us we can 'catch all the action' were shut off!

24/7 feeds = Ripoff!

J. Knox
Medicine Hat, Alberta

Company: CBS - Big Brother - RealPlayer Superpass
Country: USA
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