Ripoff, scam, internet fraud. SAN JOSE California


Integretel is placing charges to my phone bill (which is by SBC) charges that were never used. When I called and asked them about the billing, they said it was done by my computer. I found out they are doing this illegally by installing this on my computer by a 900 number that i almost never found in my computer. (look in your control panel and then dial up networking. Thats were i found it in mine.) I told them i was not going to pay this bill and then they said will I pay half of it. I told them no because i never used there services.

This company is a rip off and were ordered back in 2002 to stop these practices by the Federal Trade Commission. Just think of how many people that actually paid this and didnt know better. Lets get these scammers and lock them away.

Company: Integretel
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 5883 RUE FARRARI SAN JOSE California
Phone: 8007367500
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Ripoff employee inside info. They tell you that you are LYABLE for payment of the charges they are wrong.integretel is under court order that they cannot use the Automatic Number Identification System

The 1-900-scam ripoff numbers

Ripoff How I fought Integretel about a phony charge

Ripoff consumer fraud Internet

And Atlantic Mgmt Gee, A Two Minute 900 Call For Only $40.00 ripoff

Ripoff, scam, fradulent billing

Integretel Inc
Placing charges on my phone bill that I did not do

Integretel 900 444 0353 Fradulent $40 Charge for 900 number call from my new compute

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