Forever 21
Forever21 Poor Customer Service... Easily fixed!


To whom it may concern,
I was at your Forever21 location in the Eaton Center yesterday and would like to give your company some feedback which I think would greatly improve the experience of your customers.
When I approached the check out counter to pay for my merchandise, there was already an established single line up, each person taking turns to get assisted by the next cashier to become available. This system seemed to be working well and thus to maintain fairness I went to the back of this one line (please note that I was in a hurry to get back to work). Most people followed the same fair system until one lady decided to go to the front of another isle (potentially another area to line up?!). At this time, there was 10-15ppl in the one line we had established which had been working efficiently and fairly and others had been respectfully forming. I said " excuse me ma'am but, we are forming one line" (... Maybe she didn't see us?). She rudely said that she'd been to the store before and that it didn't work that way. I let her know that I understand things may change from day to day but that at the moment, we were all forming one line and that it was unfair for the rest of the people who've been waiting patiently. She was angry and didn't want to move. The cashier chimed in and said that it was true and that it was another line aisle. I felt very uncomfortable in this situation as I understand your company has trained your staff to encourage people to form multiple lines (?), but seeing as there was already a substancial amount of people in one line, I beleive the system should habve been respected (how many other people were in that line in a hurry to get back to work?) There should be a clearer method established (arrows on the floor (like Tim Horton's)? Signs that read "line up" here) SPECIALLY before a long single line of people starts to form, otherwise the employees should respect that people are attempting at a fair system, after all it is no less efficient or productive than multiple lines... The only thing it establishes is a negative experience for those of us who respect sociatal's unwritten rules of consideration and respect leaves and a sour taste in our mouths from your store, Forever21.

Company: Forever 21
Country: USA
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Customer Service

Very Long Lines

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