Consumer Report



First of all, I did not have an log in account with this website when I started this process, therefore, I could not have logged into anything

I went onto a website called, which purported to give property information for $1, which I thought was rather odd, but I figured, what the hec, maybe it's because they get the information from public any case, the first page I encountered immediately said "get started" and had boxes for address information. I filled out the boxes and the website went into a protracted process of going through several catagories of information, which, by the way, some of these items never appeared on the reports.

Afterwards, when it says the report was completed, I was directed to a payment page and, of course, put in all my information from my credit card. Then I hit the submit button and it was rejected by saying that I already had an account, but that my password was wrong, and the website would send me a way to change or get a password. Puzzled by this, because I never have even heard of this website and this was the first time I was ever one any case, I waited and waited and waited, and even now, after over an hour, no password for the e mail address to "my so-called account" was ever e mailed to me.

Therefore, since I wasn't able to purchase the information after giving you my credit card, I just decided to use a different e mail and actually create an account. I was asked for my email address, then asked to type a password twice. That was all... Then I went through the entire process again and ended up at the payment page again... Went through the same process and guess what??? It said that that e mail address needed a password, that I must have forgotten, and they would email me a way to get new password... AGAIN, NOTHING WAS SENT TO ME.

I then called your customer service number 1 877 290 6458) and not only were the people rude, but they couldn't explain anything about why this was happening. The, to my shock, they said I had signed up for a $14 a month plan!!! I can assure you I did not, nor was there even an option to do that. Furthermore, when I saw the reports, I looked at 3 different properties, every single bit of information was WRONG... As an example... All three properties said "0" bedrooms... I then asked the guy I was talking to, who refused to identify himself, what the purpose of the checklist was, because other website have something similar in order to give more information in order to correctly assess the property. Another shock... He said Oh, that's to give more information on the property, and it costs $. 25 for each one you check off!!! NOWHERE ON THIS WHAT I BELIEVE TO BE A FRAUDULENT WEBSITE NOW DOES IT SAY THERE IS A COST TO SUBMIT THAT CHECKLIST INFORMATION!!!

I asked to speak to a supervisor and a woman who said her name was Toriva and she was in Alabama. This woman had a mantra..."I can give you the email of a supervisor and he can answer all your questions." Then after a bit more of a discussion, she insisted that I ordered some monthly subscription. I explained to her that not only was there no place to order any kind of a plan, (she said there were 3 different choices)... There were no choices. She then told me I probably just didn't know how to use the computer correctly and didn't see that button. Hahaha... Not only am I an attorney, but I have a masters' degree in Computers and Information (Fraud) protection, so I'm an expert, not some neophyte with computers.

What I found interesting then was she said I wasn't even on your website when I told her what the URL was. Well, if that was the case, why did the phone number purporting to go to customer service get me to her and why did the e mail address she gave me, above, also appear on this website, only not the name Andy, but the name Cody???

I told her that I thought this was fraudulent and a way to obtain people's credit card information. Wow... Did that get a reaction... She immediately offered to close my account and to refund all the money that you guys had charged to me, which I have no idea what that amount was because I never received an e mail, or saw any receipt on the website indicating how much I was charged.

This women also said they were too busy to talk to me any longer, even though it seems that it's her job to try and straighten out a problem, especially since your website says to call customer service for any help... The people there said all they really did there was close people's account and refund money, which is even more interesting to have a customer service unit where the people weren't interested in helping, but only shutting down accounts and refunding $ - a real red flag that this is fraudulent, because most people will just forget about it if they get their money refunded and not report the website to anyone.

She also said that someone named Andy would respond ASAP, as he was working 24/7... Yeah right.

I do intend to follow this up because even if all you get from people is $1... Lots of $1 adds ups to lots of money, plus you now have my credit card information... I will be keeping a close eye on my account and also making a report to my credit union about this, and they will do an investigation. Did I mention I was a retired Police Sergeant and I specialized internet fraud? And my credit union is the police credit union, and when they do an investigation, it's very thorough.

Also, nothing on the home page goes to anything... When you put in the information and then hit search now... It goes directly to the payment page and says my report is ready, which it couldn't have been... And when you hit "get started" nothing happens. Your about page says nothing at all... I went to your privacy page and thought this particular sentence interesting:

"We will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information."

After my experience with "customer non-service" coupled with that statement above, this just isn't true... Every question I asked about practices about the use of my credit card information and other personal information... They could, or wouldn't respond... Same mantra..."we can close your account and refund your money..."

Country: USA
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Consumer Report
Consumer Report

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