Nexis Card
Consumer Report


I am really upset with nexis card, i recently received a prepaid card for my birthday which contained $100 dollars, i spent most of the money but i was keeping track of how much i spent, that was until i went to buy something and my card was declined which was weird because i knew i had $20 left. So i called and figured out my card had $8 on it, i was upset but i thought to myself that maybe i wasn't keeping very good track of my card like i thought i was UNTIL the next day i purchased something from amazon market and my card was declined the total came out to 7 dollars, so i called again only to figure out i had 6 dollars, how did that happened? How was i able to spend that money when my card was being declined all these times. I figured out by my recent transactions that i had spent. 50 at least a million times. Which is total (Inappropriate Content Removed). I then tried AGAIN to buy something and it came out to 5 dollars, still declined me. I call again and i had 4 dollars on my card. I am really upset because this company has been stealing money from me and i would like to get that money back.

Company: Nexis Card
Country: USA
Phone: 8006348950
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