Azure Computers Corp
Consumer Report


Cold call from Indian accent person. I disobeyed my personal rule not to deal with cold calls; perhaps I was sleepy, he caught me unawares. Clever procedures convinced me he was genuine, despite my suspicious mind. He convinced me so successfully I let him connect to my computer and uploaded and ran AMMY? Program - seemed a genuine programme, included red warning about misuse which I referred to and he glibly brushed aside. At a late stage he started talking about payments of £199.95 upwards, and when I refused to go any further during this telephone conversation, he gradually became more abusive and started threatening me with postal demands for payment for work undertaken etc. At which stage he cut off the telephone conversation. I have subsequently started research on the company name he gave me, which led me directly to a scambook reference, and someone reported an experience very similar to mine about one year ago. My telephone service provider is Sky. I did not get the man's name, but I noted a number that came up which seemed to refer to the opposite party - 1911159. The helpline number he gave me 02032898960 is genuine, I got an answer, but I am sure if I progressed any further than confirming their relationship I would be back on the same track.incidentally, when I checked on the address he gave me, 1 Bucknell Drive, East Brunswick, New Jersey USA, 08816, it turns out to be a single family home - quite a costly one, around $750,000. It seems there are too many businesses with the name of Azure - no doubt a carefully chosen name to hide behind. I regret very much that my stupidity wasted a couple of hours of my valuable time, and very glad that I wasted a couple of hours of his nefarious time. As well as trying to get me to part with £200 of my money, he tried to persuade me that I could then cancel my contract with McAfee for their protection services, which of course I would never do.

Company: Azure Computers Corp
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Secaucus
ZIP: 07094
Address: 102 Harmon cove Tower
Phone: 9175742945
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Azure Computers Corp
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Azure Computers Corp
Consumer Report

Azure Computers Corp
Consumer Report

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Dont Apply Here! World Wide world wide