Consumer Report


I bought a travel package sent from a fax from my HR from a company called Holiday Mexi. I paid and they said that I would have up to a year to use the package. Months later, I called to book my travel and was told the company who sold me the package went out of business and all outstanding travel packages previously sold are now in the care of another company, supposedly this company's name is "". The woman who answered the phone was very difficult to deal with and she told me that I she would send me a link to review the hotel before booking. Her name is "Gail". She asked for my email address which I provided and she did send me the link. I reviewed the hotels and called back to book my travel. I did not necessarily ask for Gail again but apparently the answering service sent me to Gail again. I started to let her know that I would like to book my travel now with the hotel I selected. She then proceeded to ask for my profile, i.E., age and who is in my party, then put me on hold for 10 minutes, came back to let me know that her computer is down and that she cannot do anything for me. She'd have to call me back. Just as I suspected, she never called me back. After one hour waiting for her call back, I decided to call the company and once again got the answering service which then sent me back to Gail again. Note that I did not ask for Gail but ended up with her anyway, which is very suspicious. She got on the phone, found out that it is me who she said she'd call back, and now giving me the excuse that she's on another line and she did not yet have time to call me back. She told me that she's very annoyed that I did not wait for her call and that she does not have to service any package deal sold by the other company (supposedly Holiday Mexi). She said she can send my package into bankruptcy settlement. I then told her that I would speak with my bank about this.

There is obviously something very wrong with this "Gail" who is running this so called She is definitely not a travel agent or any kind of customer service though the email account from where she sends emails says "customer service support." Something must be done about this company, this person called "Gail" if that is her real name. The company that sold me the package was named Holiday Mexi but that company may have gone into bankruptcy. It is unknown whatever the arrangement between Holiday Mexi and but one thing for sure, definitely will do everything possible to make it difficult for you to book your pre-paid travel and you would eventually give it up so they would not have to honor it.

Country: USA
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