

I have received 4 monthly bills from USBI for over$48.00 each. I reported them to my local telephone company. I seen all of the complains on this site from them. The lady that I was talking to on the phone to USBI was very rude to me. She was laughing at me. I told her that I will send USBI to court for what they did to me, and I hope she and all of them rot in jail for what they are doing to all of us! She hanged up on me, I called her straight back. Her name is Cara, and there is a John agent 1, and a guy named Kevin. I talked to Cara and Kevin, but never to john. It sounded like there was a television or a radio in the back ground. So they may be in a motel that has internet acess. Alot of motels and hotels have this free or is included in there fees. My local telephone company is on my side of this. They are helping me and I do not have to pay for those bills. I told " Kevin " that thoses phone charges will never be paid by me at all! They claimed that I was rude and abusive to them, they haven't heard the last from me. I told my husband That I would rather pay for a lawyer to sue them than pay them.

Company: Usbi
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
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USBI Main Street Telephone Company
Ripoff Placed Charges on Monthly Local Phone Bill

USBI - Ridley Telephone Company
Ripoff Internet

Tralee Telephone - USBI
Tralee Telephone ripoff false charges on telephone bill

Rip Off Company ripoff

USBI - Mainstreet Telephone
Ripoff for telephone services not signed up for with no explanation

Usbi, ridley rip-off charged twice to two separate phone bills (my brothers and mine) for four straight months fraudulent ripoff business internet internet

USBI Call One
Ripoff USBI phone bill charges

Tralee Telephone Comp - USBI
Tralee Telephone Comp For USBI ripoff -this company goes through local phone company and puts bogus charges on local phone bill! Internet

USBI-Cheap2talk - voicelink
Over $ false charges Usbi

Mainstreet Telephone rip-off! Fraud! Rude!