Business Travel Network, Inc
Consumer Report


On April 22, I was contacted on my cell phone by a man named Robert Cruz associated with Business Travel Network, Inc. He said I could rent out my Extra Vacations/Getaway Weeks to large corporations and event planners for $149.00 per week. Up to 12 weeks were available, but I had to rent a minimum of 5 weeks if I decided to go ahead. Feeling reluctant, I decided to go ahead anyway. BIG mistake. I was scammed!!! I did not ask enough questions. But anyway, he said for each week that was rented out to these large corporations and event planners, I would receive $1500.00 per week. Then about 8 weeks later, someone contacted me that I had a check coming via Fed/Ex for $8250.00. Supposedly that was for the 5 weeks I supposedly rented out and included my fee of $745.00. No check ever arrived. Then about 12 weeks later I received another call from the Dominican Republic with a rooster crowing in the background. A man by the name of Rodney Rodriquiz was telling me once again that I have this check coming to me. But this time I was to prior to receiving my check, I would be sent 2 envelopes. One was to include a closing fee and the second envelope was to include taxes for the rental of these 5 weeks. These envelopes were to be sent to this lawyer by the name of Alfredo Martinez in Santo Domingo, Domincan Republic. I immediately said NO!!! I told this Rodney Rodriquiz that this is a BIG SCAM and he replied by saying "Enjoy your timeshare" and we hung up. I have not heard anything since and the foreign phone calls have stopped for now. I have made numerous phone calls in an attempt to reach someone in association with this scam merchant, but to no avail.

Company: Business Travel Network, Inc
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
ZIP: 30303
Address: 235 Peachtree St., #400
Phone: 8779350580
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