Consumer Report


Just Cloud.com which markets itself as a cloud based media storage vendor, mischeviously, got into my computer by apearing as a portal to reach a chosen web site. After it illegaly intersepted my request it required me to provide information to proceed. At this time I realized I was being hacked. I then exited the request, but it was apparently already too late. They had obtained my web address and hijacked my ability to navigate inside of it. Ever since I have been blocked internet access by pop ups, re-directs, and pop overs (full page pop ups that trap you into either accepeting the pop over or re-starting your computer) blocking my access to the web and no doubt recording and selling all of my personal data to anyone who would wish to purchase it. I know the constition guarantees my right to privacy in my comunications;"Privacy of communications, which covers the security and privacy of mail, telephones, email and other forms of communication". Per US law and the constitution. People need to know this is a well disguised malware site. Would you open your wallet to a stranger so they can copy all your information? How many sites have you seen that have stollen the logo's of Norton, Microsoft, McAfee etc to trick you into thinking the site is safe. It seems no site is safe anymore, as the US is not doing anything about it.

Company: JustCloud
Country: USA
State: Hampshire
City: Whiteley
Address: Unit 6, Fulcrum 2, Solent Way
Phone: 4803045432
Site: justcloud.com
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