Warning! The site owner and administrator hacks personal email accounts. Multiple accounts have been hacked and opened without the owners knowledge

Internet & Web

The owner of this site Matt Olivo denies that this is happening, but I am one of the people who have had their personal email accounts hacked by him and his site administrator Marc aka VBadmin. Despite repeated denials, Molivo has deliberately hacked many personal private email user accounts.
By limiting and outright censoring discussion of these facts on his internet site, Matt Olivo is trying desperately to cover up these facts. Olivo insists that all information that is posted on his site (including personal emails) are his private property. But his terms of use during this time did not specifically state anything about emails, thus putting private email communications firmly under the protections of many state and federal laws and regulations concerning email privacy and access.
These facts can be verified by ex moderators of his forum who have left in disgust over these illegal violations of privacy. I have retained legal representation and I fully intend to pursue a civil case against Matt Olivo and his site administrator.
Warning: use extreme caution if you are a memeber of this website! Your private communications can be opened and monitored.
For more information about this site contact

Company: Whenshtf.com
Country: USA
Site: www.whenshtf.com
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Whenshtf.com WARNING to all members of the forum, your PM's are NOT PRIVATE. They are read by the admin and owner. TOS does not state this.info from PM's will be used to ban you

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