Some One calling Me From A Washington DC Number
Consumer Report


I have been receiving phone calls from a Washington DC phone # for the past month. Today I actually answered this call and a foreign voice told me that I was entitled to a 7,000.00 grant for good behavior. He gave me a phone# to call and it is 202-738-1563 and that I was to talk to a person named Brad Thompson. I called this number and Brad told me that in order to receive this grant I needed to give them a security deposit of 300.00 dollars. Naturally I hung up after receiving this information.

Company: Some One calling Me From A Washington DC Number
Country: USA
Phone: 2027381563
  <     >  


Government Grant from Washington D.C
Consumer Report

Longwood Inc. 501c3 Aka 'Brad'
Longwood Inc. 501c3 'Brad' Longwood Inc. Brad left several messages telling me over and over that he can sell my car. I didn't talk to Brad and they call from a toll free number so you can't track where the call is coming from. Longwood Inc., California

US Grant Department - Washington DC
Unavailable Possible Fraud/Scam

Federal Grants Departmnet
I was offered a federal grant of $7000 that would be put into my bank account or on a debit card or a Walmart card or wired via Western Union

Grants Department
Government grant

United States Grant Department
This morning when I answered it the man started out by telling me that he was from the US Grant Department in Washington DC. He then stated that I have been choosing for $7000 dollars that I would not

American Grant Department
Consumer Report

Federal Gov't Grant Dept
Unknown Eligible for $5200.00, they ripped me off for $350.00, made me feel like a gullible fool! Unknown

US Grant Department
Winning of 10,000 dollars

American Grant Information Center - Or - U.S. Grant Information Center
American Grant Information Center Stole $249 from me and then came back six month later and tried the same scam again