Consumer Report


Online pharmacy. Attempted to purchase medication. Representative requested payment by Green Dot Money Pack. Described as safer than credit card. Once payment was given, received several call backs reporting warehouse "screw-ups" stating more medication was shipped than paid for. I asked for tracking number to verify shippment was actually shipped. Gave two seperarate Fed-Ex addresses where package was supposedly shipped. Addresses were checked and are ot valid. Would not release tracking number without addtional money. Requested refund. Was cut off and was told it would take 90 days and they would have to file an insurance report for the loss. Total Fraud. First businesses don't request customers to make good for their mistakes. Second, you don't hold a medication hostage for more money. Third you don't file an insurance claim, you have the package returned and reship the correct quantity. Run from this fraud

Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Kohl's Department Store
Working Conditions at Kohl's Dept. Stores

Velas Vallarta
Scammed us! Velas lied, schemed and misled us about what we purchased. Marina Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco

CVS Caremark

Horizon Drugs
Never received medication

TCF Bank
Cash deposits lost ripoff
Bad retailer

International Drug Mart
International drug mart lost my medication and then sent it two month later - tobrmyacin

Norton 360
Lost in computer recovery

NDA Pharmacy