Cheryl Longtin of Houston, Texas
Consumer Report


We found a listing on CRAIG'S LIST (red flag) for a 2008 Winnebago 31c for $9,200 (red flag: market value is ~$65K). She said she has the title free and clear from a divorce. She sells on eBay (red flag to move sale) with their "Buyer Protection" fraudulently copied and pasted onto her bogus email which has no live links. She has the RV "Privately Listed" on eBay (red flag) so she will not get caught. She asks for $9,200 to be posted to a bank - this one was Barclay's in London, which she says is eBay's radom assignment of an agent to hold funds until RV is delivered at no charge (red flag).
We asked her to call. We asked to see a copy of her license and the title. We asked her to do this in a US bank with an escrow account. No, on all counts.
She even became rude and wrote "Are you retarded?" Apparently not, as I caught her red-handed with all those red flags. Red flags R Us!
I have been hacked and scammed everytime on Craig's List and will never open that website again.
This woman belongs in JAIL. If she's even a she. Who knows.

Company: Cheryl Longtin of Houston, Texas
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: Address Not Yet on File
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