Consumer Report


I have no idea why I was billed this on my Discover card. I cancelled the service and should not have any charges. I want the charge reversed and a no further biling charges.

Virginia Robinson

Company: MySlimmento
Country: USA
Phone: 8882611469
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Xbox Live
Charges on credit card

Discover Card
Ripoff charged my account Discover Drivers Premie

Unauthorized charges

AP9 PASSPORTTOFUN Ripoff The Unauthorized Charges To Your Credit Card Account-Beware!

Consumer Report

E Nat
Fraud charges hit my AMX card $12.24

Discover Card
Laura And Karen In Disputes Department, David Nelms, Morgan Stanley Bank Wrongfully reversed disputed creditcard charges for unpaid merchant rebate, failed to honor contracts, Ripoff

Discover Card
Fraudulent Advertising ripoff

Easy Saver
Unauthorized charges

El Dorado Sales EasyNews Service Lahore University of Management in Pakistan
El Dorado Sales Fraudulent charge to my Discover account not their fault able to track charges to EasyNews service & Lahore University of Management in Pakistan