EbrTimberlake Apartments
Timberlake Apts ripoff


The Timberlake Apartments are run by evil people. I have lived in these apartments since June 1st. The police are here every day. One time I saw a little old lady about 85 years old or so being taken out of her home, put in leg irons as she screamed and hauled off in a paddywagon by the Tempe police dept. When I asked the manager (Debbie) what was going on, she said that "We just got her the help that she needed." I have no Idea what happened to her little dog. This happened in September.

That lady's car is still parked in her parking space. I haven't seen that poor old lady since.in October The Tempe Police department had taped off a large section of the apartment complex and had evacuated several residents from their homes. I then saw a bomb sqaud arrive dressed in the bomb defusing gear. They also had a remote control robot cruising around the complex to investigate a "suspicious package". On December 22 Timberlake management decided to have my Truck towed. (Merry Christmas!) My truck had current tags displayed, good through April.

Now my truck is sitting in the impound yard and I can't afford to get it out. My personal property taken without my consent. Just about every morning at hours as early as 7 am I am awakened by some type of loud machine outside my bedroom window. (leaf blowers, lawnmowers, power saws, weed whackers etc...). One morning they destroyed the beautiful bouganvilla bush that provided shade, privacy and aesthetic beauty for my balcony. What a rotten way to start the day!

The gardeners did an awful hack-job on this lovely bush. It now is a bunch of living sticks that have no order or semetry. My down stairs neighbor and I tried to stop them from ruining our bush. They just laughed at us, shrugged thier shoulders, and said, "Me sorry me no speeky eeeeeenglish!" I have lived in this place for nearly 7 months and I hate it here. My peace and serenity is constantly being violated.

Not to mention that the air conditioning barely works. The summer was very hot and miserable. It never reached below 80 degrees F inside my apartment. The water is turned off several times a week without warning. I have on several occasions had to demand that the water be turned on so I can shower before work. Halloween night was ruined because there was an out door sprinkler that burst, shooting water skyward making it impossible to access my front door without getting drenched. These bursting water sprinklers are a regular occurance. I Truly regret moving into the awful place. There are also pleanty of drug dealers living in Timberlake apartments as well. If you like to relax at home and enjoy freedom and peace then by all means DO NOT rent from the Timberlake Apartments.

Company: EbrTimberlake Apartments
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 2045 E Broadway
Phone: 4808941200
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