J.D. Byride
Consumer Report


Well, actually this is the second time this happened. The first time occurred on January 6. My car had to have a battery replaced twice within a year and they replaced it both times. The second time was on this incident in January. My cars ani-theft device malfunctioned and the car would not move. I called the dealership and they had it towed into their facility. The next day I got a phone call and they said "your car is fixed". They said that the computer chip was bad and it wouldn't allow my car to start. So this taked me to now. On Monday, I went out to start my car and the same thing happened again. Anti-theft device light service engine soon and battery light came on again and I could not move my car. I called them at 9:00 A.M. And they said to have it brought in. It was towed into their facility. I got a phone call later in the afternoon from them and spoke with a mechanic and he said that what they replaced in January corroded and went bad again. And he said that it could not be fixed like they had done in January but now it needed the computer replaced and it was going to cost $441.00 and $170.00 for it to be towed. He said the work they did in January was a band-aid. And that most of the time it works but in this case it didn't were his words, it needs replaced. I haven't had this car for very long. And it has been in the shop at least 5 times since I purchased it in February 20. I have had it 15 months. I feel that in January when they had it and told me it was "fixed" then which it clearly wasn't, I was mislead. Now, 2 1/2 months later and the same thing happened and now they are trying to say in different phone calls when I talk to them that it isn't the same problem. I talked to a mechanic at their facility and he said it was and that what they did in January didn't last like they had hoped it would. I do not feel like I should have to pay for any of these costs that are incurred with this problem when I feel like I was mislead into believing that my car was fixed like they said in January and now it happened again, the same problem and they are trying to say it isn't. I am already paying $11,000.00 for a car that is a 2001 grand am and it is not worth that, but that is how you get ripped off when you deal with companies that you have to to get your credit back from the past. I just feel like if I am going to pay above and beyond for a car that is not worth what I am paying for then I should not have to deal with being taken advantage in everything that is involved in driving it. It is not a dependable or reliable car like they advertise in their ads. So far, I can't depend on it or rely on it. It seems like it needs more work done to it than I drive it.

Company: J.D. Byride
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Carmel
ZIP: 46032
Address: 12802 Hamilton Crossing Blvd
Phone: 3172493000, 8597460043, 8882403595
Site: jdbyrider.com
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Cost me at least $1000 and lots of time on a misdiagnosis

Ford Motor Company

K&S auto brokers indian land SC
Sells lemon cars disconnects check engine light to insure you won't find a problem

Les Schwab
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Reeves BMW
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Turnpike Chevrolet
Consumer Report

Bert Wolfe Ford/Audi
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J.D. Byrider
Aka cnac rip-off!