Corporate Business Filings
Consumer Report


I received what appeared to be an official form and bill for $225 to be paid no later than April 15 in order to avoid a state penalty against my Corporation.information on the reverse side includes directions for completing the form and wording from the California Corporations Code. With careful reading the recipient can discern that this mailing is not a bill or a state document, but the format of the mailer is quite misleading and resulted in time wasted ensuring that this was, in fact, merely an advertisement and not an actionable item. The original envelope does include the words "this is not a government document" in fairly small print. Unfortunately, one may not always see the original envelope, depending on how mail is handled in one's organization.

Company: Corporate Business Filings
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
ZIP: 90048
Address: PO Box 48738
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Corporate Controllers Unit
Periodic Report annual fee scam to collect $225, sent official looking form to scare business owner into paying bogus fee

Business Filings Division
Deceptive Company pretending to be agents for the State of California

Corporate Business Filings
Consumer Report

Corporate Business Bureau
Beware! Potential way to lose your $150!

Corporate Business Filings
Consumer Report

Corporate Records Service
Not what they appear to be. Misleading

Corporate Business Filings
Consumer Report

California Corporate Compliance
Private enterprise masquerading as a government agency Ripoff

Corporate Bussiness Filings
Consumer Report

Colorado Corporate Control
Periodic Report Directors/Shareholders